What are the foods that most attract mice?
Mice are not welcome guests in homes and businesses as they contaminate food and can spread disease. In addition to being attracted to heat and clutter, mice can’t resist food.
Although mice eat virtually all types of food, both raw and cooked, from freshly cooked food to leftovers, certain types of products are among their favorites. Mice love carbohydrates, just like humans.
Suburban Pest Control notes that mice prefer a diet of grains, seeds and fruit, anything high in carbohydrates.
What are the foods that most attract mice?
Chocolate and peanut butter Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not the mice’s favorite food, although they won’t refuse it.
Chocolate is the mice’s favorite food, closely followed by peanut butter. “In fact, sweets that include the combination of the two are almost irresistible to a mouse,” says Terminix.
Other favorite foods of mice are food for birds and other pets. They are also attracted to sweet fruits and berries, nuts, meat, grains and seeds, and leftover food.
The Illinois Department of Public Health suggests loading traps with peanut butter, chocolate candy, dried fruit, or a small piece of bacon tied securely to the trigger.
Store food properly
Dry grains and meat products should be stored in glass jars, metal cans, or other airtight, resealable containers.
Mice can survive in very small areas with limited amounts of food and shelter. A minimum of one ounce of food and water a day is enough for them.
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“No matter how good the sanitation, most buildings in which food is stored, handled, or used will admit house mice if they are not mouse-proofed,” notes the Illinois Department of Public Health. It adds that all places where food is stored, processed or used must be mouse-proof.
Mice can contaminate food and preparation surfaces with their feces and spread a number of diseases, including salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and Lassa fever.
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